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Have your say about Haringey Council’s draft 2018/19 budget proposals!

Haringey residents, businesses and local organisations are invited to have their say about the council’s draft 2018/19 budget proposals, which are now open for consultation.

Funding cuts by central government have seen a real terms reduction of 40 percent in council funding since 2010. More than £160million has already been saved, and a further £15million will need to be found in 2018/19.

You can take part in the budget consultation by completing the online survey, via the following link, – or by picking up a paper questionnaire from one of the borough’s libraries.

The consultation runs until 23rd January 2018.

The Council’s Cabinet will meet on 13th February 2018 to recommend a budget to Full Council, which will meet to agree a budget on 26th February 2018.

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