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Hale Village Wins Britain in Bloom Awards 2019


Congratulations to Hale Village in Tottenham for being selected for the Gold Award in the Royal Horticultural Society’s national competition Britain in Bloom Awards 2019. In addition, they were also presented with the Best in Category – Urban Community Award. Hale Village is part of NLCCE Member, Lee Valley Estates (LVE). Chairman, Michael Polledri OBE said, “I am immensely proud of our team and of our community and can do no better than to congratulate Jeremy Head of Property and Facilities at Hale Village, who summaries the judges’ feedback;

“Recognising the work to bring communities together and in the process help to tackle some of the really tough challenges we as a society are facing from protecting threatened wildlife to helping people reconnect with nature and each other.  Hale Village demonstrated examples of the highest standards of design, community space, cleanliness, tidiness, graffiti, street furniture, play areas and horticulture. All were of the highest possible standards which makes for a very clean, safe and comfortable living environment.  The fact that substantial future planning of the expansion of the site through infrastructure provision at the energy centre and expansion of services to the wider neighbourhood developments was impressive. 

Strong community partnerships were evident through a variety of engagement projects including the Hale Village Compact a youth development program. The facilities created at Hale Village for community groups at the Engine Room again was very impressive. The vision for Hale Village is clear. That an urban village can be created to the highest possible standards with community at the heart and that this development can inspire others. Congratulations, a well-deserved gold award.”





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