

Enfield’s Big Green Climate Festival – Coming Together to Make a Difference

In November this year, for COP26, world leaders are meeting in Glasgow to decide the next steps on tackling climate change. Enfield Climate Action Forum (EnCaf) is supporting the Climate Coalition’s nationwide Festival during the week of 18th – 26th September, by running a local festival, to highlight the crisis and put pressure on world leaders.

Over 50 groups, individuals and businesses will be coming together to host a range of activities during the week of 18th – 26th September, as part of  Enfield’s Big Green Climate Festival  – including walks, talks, shows and webinars.  Enterprise Enfield  will be hosting two webinars during the week: the first, Top Tips for Going Green for Businesses, is aimed at helping businesses combine business growth and reduce their environmental impact. The second webinar, Green Business Round Table will highlight the work of innovative and inspiring green businesses located in Enfield and surrounding areas.

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