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Green Business Event, in association with EnCaf & Enfield Council

Thursday 20th July, 11.00am – 1.00pm

NLCCE is delighted to be bringing together guest speakers from: Enfield Climate Action Forum (EnCaf), Enfield Council and Chela Ltd, who will each be addressing various aspects of the green agenda. Join us to hear about:

Business Sustainability – with EnCaf’s Chair, Francis Sealy, who will be talking about business sustainability in the context of the climate emergency and the need to address this when businesses are under immense financial pressure. He will also explain the work of EnCaf, including promoting community energy and carbon literacy.

Green Business Case Study: Chela Ltd – with Anthony Fisher, founder of Chela Ltd, part of the Fisher Darville Group of companies, an Enfield based manufacturer specialising in commercial and industrial cleaning chemicals

Enfield Council’s Climate Action Plan, with Rafe Bertram, Joint Interim Head of Climate Action and Sustainability, Enfield Council

We are also delighted to be joined by Cllr Ergin Erbil, Deputy Leader of Enfield Council, and portfolio holder for Climate Action and Sustainability


Speaker Profiles:

Francis Sealey:

Francis Sealey is Chair of Enfield Climate Action Forum and Joint Chair of the Local United Nations Association. He is an ex BBC Producer and Executive Producer who worked in Educational television for many years. He also was a freelance producer and after retirement set up GlobalNet21 as a vehicle to engage audiences in some of the big discussions of our age. He chaired many meetings in the House of Commons to achieve this and now runs many podcasts and video interviews around the same big issues and particularly climate change.

Anthony Fisher:

Chartered Scientist and Chemist, Anthony Fisher, founded Chela Ltd in 1988. Now part of the Fisher Darville Group of companies, Chela Ltd is an Enfield based manufacturer of specialised commercial and industrial cleaning chemicals. Anthony is now Chairman of the firm and still involved in research and business development. Fisher Darville Holdings includes Fisher Research Ltd, Chela Ltd, Tensid Ltd and Ecopoint Laboratories – which offer a safer alternative to hazardous cleaning and maintenance of products.

Rafe Bertram:

Rafe Bertram’s role at the London Borough of Enfield is Retrofit Asset Manager, Sustainability Lead of Meridian Water and Joint Interim Head of Climate Action and Sustainability. Across the council, his priority is helping all the Council departments embed climate action into all decision making, planning guidance, projects and reporting. He is part of a team reviewing the original Climate Action Plan, as part of the drive for the whole borough to be climate neutral by 2040.


11.00am – Arrivals, networking and refreshments

11.30am – Welcome, Despina Johnson, CEO, NLCCE

11.35am – Green Business Case Study: Chela Ltd, Anthony Fisher, Founder and Chairman, Chela Ltd.

11.55am – Business Sustainability, Francis Sealey, EnCaf

12.05pm – Cllr Ergin Erbil, Deputy Leader of the Council, and portfolio holder for Climate Action and Sustainability, Enfield Council

12.15pm – Enfield Council’s Climate Action Plan, Rafe Bertram, Joint Interim Head of Climate Action and Sustainability, Enfield Council

12.25pm – 1.00pm Networking and Refreshments




Event: Green Business Event, in association with EnCaf & Enfield Council
Date(s): 20/07/2023
Start Time: 11:00am
End Time: 13:00pm
Venue: North London Business Hub.
Address: Barnet and Southgate College, High Street, Southgate, N14 6BS
Map: View Map