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How to survive Covid-19 for b2b businesses – NLCCE Zoom Video ‘Ask the Expert’ Online Session

With the coronavirus epidemic having a dramatic and damaging impact on business, NLCCE is committed to support its members by providing a series of relevant online sessions to help you make connections, generate opportunities and share knowledge to survive the severe economic downturn.

How to survive Covid-19 for b2b businesses.

  • Why Covid-19 presents an opportunity
  • Optimise your profile, but that’s not all
  • Know your client
  • What’s your strategy?
  • Why pay for Linkedin?
  • Done for you Linkedin Lead Generation


12.00-12.05                        Welcome, Introductions and Session Format – Despina Johnson, CEO, NLCCE

12.05-12.20                        The Expert – Paul Sullivan, Founder & CEO, Bias, a multi-award winning agency

12.20-12.45                        Q&A

12.45-13.00                        AOB/Networking



NB: This event if open to NLCCE Business+, Start-Up and Charity Members, Redbridge Chamber of Commerce Members and Let’s Go! Business Hub Members – if you have not received the meeting link please email


There is no pre-booking, just ‘turn up online’ on the day at least five minutes before the start time

There are only 100 places available on a first come first serve basis on the day.


If you have not downloaded Zoom you can do so here


If you would like to be one of our ‘Experts’ for future Zoom sessions and are a NLCCE Business+, Start Up or Charity member, please email Despina Johnson at with details of your area of expertise and subject you’d like to present.


To join NLCCE and become part of a dynamic, connected and successful business community, complete the appropriate online application form


NB: NLCCE takes no responsibility for any actions taken by participants in this session and events arising from those actions based on the information provided by The Expert (as above) and has not contributed to the content delivered by The Expert in the session.


Event: How to survive Covid-19 for b2b businesses – NLCCE Zoom Video ‘Ask the Expert’ Online Session
Date(s): 16/04/2020
Start Time: 12:00pm
End Time: 13:00pm
Address: , ,
Map: View Map